Khanqah e Abul Fida Naqshband was established on April 4th, 2018 Hijri: 13 Rajab 1439, yum e wiladat Hazrath Syedna Ali e Murtuza Raziallahuan
Khanqah e Abul Fida Naqshband
Founded on

Majestic vision
On 4th of April, 2018 Hazrat Abul Raja Syed Shah Hussain Shaheedullah Basheer Al Bukhari Naqshbandi Wa Qadri Alai Rahma was in Muraqaba (Meditation) at Muhaddith-e- Deccan Moulana Abul Hasnath Syed Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi rahmatullah alaih Dargha Shareef, during Muraqaba Hazrath Abul Raja R.A got a Intuitions (ilham) to establish a Khanqah in UAE. After Hazrath Abul Raja R.A come out of Dargha Shareef. Hazrath called Mohammed Tafazzul on his cell phone from India. That time Tafazzul was working in his office (Dubai UAE). Over the phone, Hazrath Qibla order Tafazzul to gather Mohammed Shujath Hussain sahab and Mohammed Azher Khan Sahab and call back Hazrath Qibal. Tafazzul request Shujath Sahab and Azher Sahab for the meeting around 6 PM on same day (Sunday 4th April, 2018). Meanwhile Shujath Sahab had the whatsapp conversion with Hazrath Qibla, over the whatsapp Hazrath Qibla order to establish Khanqah e Abul Fida Naqashband. We 3 gather at Masjid Abu Shaghara and called Hazrath Qibla and start the Khanqah establish with a single register.
Khanqah Activity and events
Daily Kids Quran Memorization stated after Lockdown.
Friday gathering after Jumma Salah. Dala”il Al-Khairat Khatam e Khwajagan, Sijrah e Mubarak, Dua, Naat e Shareef, Zikr o muraqaba, Kids Tilawat-e- Quran, Ba Jamat Nazam e Asar, Salat-O-Salaam Rasool Allah SAW
Weekly food arrangement at Khanqah,
Monthly/Yearly Food Distribution at labor camps or near cemetery
Hazrat Abul Raja Syed Shah Hussain Shaheedullah Basheer Al Bukhari Naqshbandi Wa Qadri Alai Rahma With Other Auliya Allah
Khatme Quran arrangements, Online Dala”il Al-Khairat recitation, Zirk o Muraqaba gathering, Qiyam ul Lail Gathering, helping needy people from Khanqah account.
Shab e Meraj, Shab e Barat and Shab e Qadr
Urs Shareef of Muhaddith-e- Deccan Moulana Abul Hasnath Syed Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi rahmatullah alaih
Abul Fida Hazrath Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdus Sattar Khan Naqashbandi Mujaddadi Qadri R.A and other Auliya Allah.