Hafiz Dr. Syed Shah Khaleelullah Basheer Owais Bukhari
Managing Director
- Hafiz-e-Quran
- Bachelor of Arts: Osmania University 2002-05 with First Division
- M.A. ARABIC (Osmania University) First with Distinction (Gold Medalist) 2005-07
- M. Phil. ARABIC Osmania University 2009
- Ph.D in ARABIC in “Hadeeth Literature” from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Inda
- M.A. (Islamic Studies) Nizamiya University 2007
- Khateeb-o-Imam, Masjid Faizullah, Hyderabad, India
December 2000 to September 2009
- Lecturer of Islamic Studies in English at Shamsunnisa Mosque, Kachiguda. 2005 to 2009
- Islamic & Arabic Educational Tutor, Idara-e-Quraan Fahmi.
January-2005 to December-2006
- A visiting scholar (Aug.-2005 to Dec. 2007)
- Public speaker (English, Urdu & Arabic)
- Arabic Lecturer in Dharamwant Junior & Degree College. Hyderabad. India.
(July-2007 to March-2009) Secondary Stage. - Arabic Translator in Ecofin Research Services
November-2007 to March-2009
- Senior Teacher in Islamiyat & Quran in Cambridge Regional College, Jeddah. KSA
August -2009 to till now.
- Special Address on Eid-ul Adhaa & Eid-ul-Fitr in Madanna Pet Eidgah. Hyderabad, India since 2009.
Seminars Attended and Papers Submitted:
- Participated & presented paper in Qirat & Tajweed Seminar held on 20-09-2006 conducted by Idara-e-Quraan Fahmi, Hyd.
- Participated and presented paper in All India Gold medal competition and conference on 24-03-2007 & 25-03-2007 at Shakar Gunj Hyd, conducted by Islamic Higher Education Centre, Hyd.
- Delivered 10 days lectures on Tafseer, Hadeeth and Fiqh for youngsters conducted by Abul Fida Islamic & Research Centre (AFIRC), Hyderabad held on 2012.
- Deliver weekly Dars-e-Quran Majeed at Baitul Qutub, Rihab Dist. Jeddah. K. S. A. from March 2014 to March 2020
- Participate in different Arabic meetings and deliver speeches on various topics at numerous places.
Compiled books:
- Al-Arbaeen Fi Manaqib-e-Syed ul Mursaleens (الأربعين في مناقب سيد الأولين و الاَخرين) 40 Saying of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in Arabic with Translation. 2008.
- Tahseen ul Quraan 2006
- Qirat tajweed quiz on more than 200 question on Tajweed
- Hayat-e- Shaheed – Life history of Zaman Khan Shaheed published on 2004
- النفحة العنبرية في مدح خير البرية – Selection of famous poetry of world fame poets in Arabic, Urdu and Persian.2007
- Salamun Ala Ibraheem.(سلام علي إبراهيم) (Biography of Prophet Abraham and his family) 2008 in Urdu, Arabic and English.
- A brief life sketch of Hazrat Abul Fida Dr. Mohammad Abdus Sattar Khan Naqshbandi R.A. 2013 in English.
- A brief life sketch of Hazrat Shaykul Islam Mohammed Anwarullah Khan Farooqi R.A. Founder of Jamia Nizamia 2015 in English.
- Respect of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in Surah al-Hujurat in English.
- Forty Ahadeeth in Arabic, English and Urdu, November, 2019
- Tazkerah-e-Abu Raja January, 2020
- Life of Hazrat Ameer –e- Hamza R.A. 2020
Director of “Islamic Summer Program” project for schools, colleges and university students in 2009 in Urdu and English published by Idara Quran Fahmi Hyderabad.
- Participated in world Hifze Quraan and Tajweed / Tafseer competition in Arabic at Palestine conducted by the Ministry of Waqf and religious affairs Palestine government, and got 17th position in about 200 candidates and awarded by Dr. Yousuf Juma Salamah, Imam & Khateeb of Masjid Aqsa.
- Honorary Award presented by Dr. Kamaleen Shaeth, Vice Chancellor of Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine on 23- 10- 2005.
- Gold Medal awarded by Department of Arabic, Osmania University of Hyderabad, India, presented by Dr. Hasan Hetho al-Jilaani, Vice Chancellor of German University in 2007.
- Honorary Award presented by Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamat organization, on 19- 11- 2018 at The Village Restaurant, Jeddah, K.S.A.