Hazrat Abu Raja’ Syed Shah Hussaini Shaheed Ullah Basheer Bukhari
Founder and Director
- B.Com (M.Com)
- Daur-e-Hadeeth completed with Shaykul Hadeeth wal Fiqh Allama Syed Mahmoud Abul Wafa Al-Afghani Alaihir Rahmah.
- Recited ‘Zujajatul Masabeeh’ (Book of Hadeeth written by Mohaddith-e-Deccan Syed Abdullah Shah Naqsahbandi) to Hazrat Allamah Prof. Dr. Abul Fida Mohammed Abdus Sattar Khan Naqshbandi, Ex. Head Department of Arabic, Osmania University and obtained the Sanad of Hadeeth from the latter.
- Caliph and Successor of Hazrat Allamah Prof. Dr. Abul Fida Mohammed Abdus Sattar Khan Naqshbandi, Ex. Head Department of Arabic, Osmania University & Caliph of Muhaddith-e-Deccan in Naqshbandi, Qaudri & Mujaddadi chains of Sufism.
- Founder & Director of Abul Fida Islamic Research Center.
- Founder & Director of Idara-e-Quran Fahmi. India.
- President Madarsah Anjuman Huffadh Ihyah-e-Deen (Memorization of Holy Quran – full time school)
- Principal of Abul Fida School (Morning & Evening Islamic School)
- Translation Committee Member of Zujajah al-Masabeeh.
- Running an Islamic library containing around thirty thousand books on different topics.
- Chief Patron of All India Seerat Un-Nabi Quiz Commette.
- Excellent Islamic and Sufism background based on Naqshbandi educational programs.
- Public speaker (both in English & Urdu).
- Ijazain Hafs style of recitation of the Qur’an that reached till the Holy Prophet of Islam, Prophet Mohammed (صلوا علیہ و آلہ وسلم).
- Ijazah in Dalael ul Khairaat.
- Imam and Khateeb in Masjid Shams Un Nisa, Begam, Kachi Guda, Hyd.
- Official Imam and delivers Dars-e-Quran on every Sunday at Masjid Hazrat Syed Faizullah Hussaini, Hyderabad, India, September 1999 – Present.
- Visiting Imam & Khateeb,Masjid Takyah Zahoor Shah,Syed Ali Chabotrah, Hyderabad, India (1992 – Present).
- Delivering Dars –e-Quran & Dars –e-Tasawwuf on every Friday at Jamiat-ul-Quran Lil Banat Hakeem Pet, Hyd, 2012- present
- Exclusive Lecture on ‘Naqshbandi Sufism; Muraqibat and Lataef’ at Shah Ali Banda, near Pista House, Hyd. 2013- Present.
- Islamic & Arabic Educational Tutor, Idara-e-Quraan Fahmi. January-2000 – Present.
- Special Address on Eid-ul Adhaa & Eid-ul-Fitr in Madanna Pet Eidgah. Hyderabad since 2009.
- Dalaelul Khairat دلائل الخیرات (re-arrange and re-compilation in the easiest form for the non-Arabs) (5 Editions)
- Maqamat-e-Abul Fida, مقاماتِ ابوالفداء Biography of Hazrat Dr. Abul Fida Mohammed Abdus Sattar Khan Naqshbandim 2002.
- Makateeb مکاتیب (Letters of Hazrat Shah Abul Hassan Zaid Faroqi al-Azhari Mujiddidi), 1999.
- Maqamat-e-Asharah مقاماتِ عشرۃ (Ten Lataef of Naqshbandi Sufism), 2018
- Aadabul Masajid Fi Dhau il Ahadeeth Ash-Sharifah آداب المساجد فی ضوء الاحادیث الشریفۃ (manners of Masajid in the view of Ahadeeth), 2002
- Tazkerah Muhaddith-e-Deccan (re-compile ) تذکرۃٔ محدثِ دکن Life of Muhaddith-e-Deccan Syed Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi
- Mere Shafeeq Asatezah میرے شفیق اساتذۃ
- Qaseedah Burdah قصیدۂ بردہ شریف , 2015
- Qasr-e-Arifan (Tazkerah-e-Auliya) قصرِ عارفاں (تذکرۂ اولیا) , 2016
- Gulzar-e-Salam, published in 1989.
- Fuzooz o Barkat-e-Darood-e-Sahreef
- Athaar-e-Shareef, published in 2003.
- Shajarah-e-Mubarka. Naqshbandi Auliya, (3 Editions)
- Ishq-e-Rasool ke Taqazee, published in 2015,
- Ma’mulaat-e-Abul Fida, published in 2013
Seminars Attended and Papers Submitted:
- Participated & presented paper in Qirat & Tajweed Seminar held on 20-09-2006 conducted by Idara-e-Quraan Fahmi, Hyd.
- Participated and presented paper in All India Gold medal competition and Conference on 24-03-2007 & 25-03-2007 at Shakar gunj Hyd, on the topic of Naat-e-Rasool in the Holy Quran, conducted by Islamic Higher Education Centre, Hyd.
- Delivered 10 days lectures on Fazael-e-Ahl-e-Bait-e- Athar and Shahad-e-Imam Hussain (رضي الله عنه) organize by Abul Fida Islamic & Research Centre (AFIRC), Hyderabad every year in the month of Muharram ul-Haram.
- Delivered 10 days lectures on Tafseer, Hadeeth, Tasawwuf and Fiqh for youngsters conducted by Abul Fida Islamic & Research Centre (AFIRC), Hyderabad in 2012.
- Organised Darood-e-Shareef Symposium on 25-02-2014.
- Under his supervision a Seminar was conducted in Jamia Furqania organized by Zia-e-Wajeeh, Eampur, India. on 19-10-2014. He Participated and presented paper in Islam and Sufism Seminar.
- Participated and delivered his speech in Milad-e-Pak Conference held on 23-04-2009 at Khanqah-e-Mazhar-e-Jan-e-janah, Delhi, India.
- Visited Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and delivered lectures in different cities of it, i.e. Jeddah, Riyadh, Makkah al Mukarammah, Madinah Shareef & Yanbu in 2014
- Visited United Emirates of Arabia and attended in Qaseedah al-Burdah Mahafil and Zikr mahafil in Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Rasul Khaimah and ect in 2014.
Excellence in Refereeing Award, Bazm-e-Miladun Nabi, 2005.
Director of “Islamic Summer Program” project for schools, colleges and university students in 2009 in Urdu and English published by Idara Quran Fahmi Hyderabad.